Monday, July 30, 2007

Dear Art, Please Touch Me

I thought I might post this on behalf of a young local artist who's looking for help with an upcoming project...

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The Project: Dear Art, Please Touch Me
I am looking for people to interview for the 'Dear Art, Please Touch Me', as part of the Next Wave Festival's Kickstart program.

It's an audio tour and I'm recording samples of opinions and stories on a series of artworks.

Someone with a bit of 'character' a unique personality, perhaps you have an interesting cousin, aunty, friend, workmate etc. (preferably who isn't a 20 or 30 something art educated person) who wouldn't mind talking about an artwork for ten minutes, then please give me a hoy. I am looking for some diversity, so my preference is anyone with a different accent, interesting voice, a good storyteller, perhaps children and elderly persons or perhaps, they are very monotone but they have something destinctive that sets them apart from others.

I can come to you with the recording equipment, all I would need is a ten minutes of your time to look at a picture of an artwork and have an informal chat about it, nothing scary. An art education is not necessary, everybody has the right to an opinion, to tell their own version. Names and personal details will be kept confidential.

Hear a sample
to have a clearer idea, you can hear an expample at:

Cheers and Cheerio,
Danielle Freakley

e: thequotegenerator AT

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